This past week was my first raffle at work. I was able to obtain several donated gift items including gift cards for Beach City Market (thanks Brian!), free meal cards to Nordstrom Cafe (thanks Steve!), a free hair cut/treatment/styling at Salon De Marcus (thanks Marcus!), and an iPod Shuffle (donated by me). I had no idea what to expect since this is the first raffle I have ever done. Therefore I asked some individuals at my work that did have expertise in this area and with their advice and help, we were able to make $935 with this first raffle. Next week I am making Very Berry Smoothies for everyone followed up with a Healthy Tostada Luncheon the following week.
I am also collecting donated items for a big silent auction that will be held mid-September in the Gaslamp Quarter downtown. I should have a date and location selected by beginning to mid-next week sometime. Stay tuned for more information and a list of great auction items.
QMDC Wild Card "Vomit" Workout
With everything hectic this week, it wasn't surprising that I got out of work a little late and subsequently was late in getting to the Wild Card Workout (Criterium Training) hosted by John Welch, QMDC ride leader. After getting lost in the Mira Mesa industrial complex, I finally managed to hook up with the group just as they were stopping to re-group for instruction. The rules were easy. Ride in a line (wheel to wheel) and keep a constant pace throughout the loop. With nothing but right turns, how could we possibly go wrong.
At first everything went well. We split up into two teams of five riders each and changed pulls (person at the head of the line) after every lap. After several laps, John had us regroup and then mingled the two teams into one continuous line. We were instructed on how to change pulls and off we went again. Well, it wasn't a pretty sight. Some riders were pulling at 18 mph and then another rider would come to the front of the line and pull at 22 mph. Then another rider would pull at 16 mph, and so on, and so on. This variance in speed caused some riders to shoot off the front and others to drop off the back and then have to basically sprint to catch up with the rest of the group. What wound up happening is that we looked like slinky rolling down the road, stretching, then condensing, then stretching again.
John had us re-group and exlained the nuances of pacelining. He explained that even small variances in speed can cause a large gap in the back of the line by the time that rider has to increase their speed to match the rest of the group. Once we started again, we started to get the feeling for it and managed to do a couple of laps before we all slinky'd again. John finally had us stop and take a breather before doing our last workout of the night.
John then explained our last workout which was gong to be Jumps! This is where you ride at 90% of your max effort for 45 seconds, then ride at max (100%) effort for 15 to 20 seconds, followed by a rest period, then repeat the whole thing again for as many laps as you could do. Well, here is where I think I overdid it. (If you recall in one of my previous posts, I described Pat Jak's "Boot Camp" Wild Card Workout. During Boot Camp, Pat explained that it is good to pick one day out of the week for your max effort, whether it is cross-training, riding, or some other workout. I had picked Thursdays as that such day.) Since tonight was a Thursday, I started off hard right of the get go and pushed myself pretty good. I waited the 45 seconds at 90% effort, then catapulted myself to sprint and reach 100% effort. After a few laps of this, I felt I could give a little more during the last sprint, and so I did, litterally.
While sprinting the last lap, I suddenly discovered I had vomit in my mouth! Without hesitation, I quickly swallowed what I had brought forth and maintained the sprint. Pat Jak would have been proud. I coasted in to regroup wtih everyone and drank as much water as I could. Another successful Thursday evening workout.
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