Both Mike Henderson (another radio contestant) and I spoke several times this week and always ended our conversation with "see you at Torrey Pines High School" for our Thursday evening training ride. At least that is where we thought we were supposed to meet. You see, we have both been moving a mile a minute with our regular work, not to mention family, fundraising, and planning our Sushi Silent Auction to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). So when we got it in our heads that we were meeting at Torrey Pines High School, it never dawned on us to see if it was Torrey Pines hill repeats instead.
After realizing no one else was going to come to us, we decided to ride our bikes over to Torrey Pines State Reserve and meet up with the rest of the group. When we got to the bottom of the hill, we hooked up with Kayvon (QMDC Chair) and got instructions from Bryon Black (QMDC Group Leader) who was acting like airport traffic control directing riders on which hill to climb (inside or outside), which gear to use, and how hard to push. It was nice to have this instruction, otherwise I wouldn't get the full benefit of the workout. Thanks Bryon.
Mike and I headed up the hill where we saw Momo (fellow XX1090 radio contestant and immunity pump winner at last Sunday's ride) already heading down the hill with a group of two other QMDC riders. Momo always has a smile on her face, has a great attitude that is infectious, and is a joy to be around. Mike and I hollared and waved and continued on up the hill. After coming down, we headed back up the outside hill again, then up the inside hill for some tempo work. Since we had to ride back to Torrey Pines High School, we cut the hill work short and started back.
This gave Mike and I some time to discuss our Sushi Silent Auction plans and brainstorm ways to raise awareness for CAF and QMDC. I must say, that I am having fun raising awareness and promoting this event. I have met some incredible people along the way and it just makes me want to do everything I can to pitch in and help.
When I got home, I had a nice surprise waiting for me. It was a notice from my QMDC sponsor page that a friend of mine (Ricky) just donated $500 with a corporate match of and additional $500. Ricky is my best friend from college and has a heart of gold. He is the one that suggested I start a Blog about my experience with the QMDC, CAF, and XX1090 Scott&BR Show. Thanks Ricky. I love you bro.
This now raises my total money collected to $4075. My goal is to make it to the full $10,000 by the October 5th deadline. August 31 is the deadline for the first $5,000, so I still have a ways to go to make my first deadline. Everyone is giving this all they have and we all want everyone to succeed and raise the total $1,000,000 for CAF.
It's coming together!
Please join me in raising the awareness. Donate today by clicking the link below.
Thank you.
ILTs Baby and They Burn
Too Tan To Be My Legs It's happening. Each week and almost each day I feel
the leg getting stronger. Less and less pain, little to no meds, sleeping ...
13 years ago