As I got up today, I kept thinking that I would dodge another bullet and not get eliminated. Then, my phone rang, my heart sank, and I answered the phone. As I waited for Scott and BR to announce this weeks cut, I kept thinking, maybe it isn't me, maybe it is someone else and they are just toying with me like they did with Nina last week. Then Scott announced the contestant that would be cut from the Scott and BR cycling team, and it indeed was me.
At first, I was a little disappointed, and then I realized how far I have come over the past few months and realized that it is more than just a contest to me. Anyone can get lucky and win, but to truly work for something is what I thrive at. I could have not started fundraising and simply tried to win this contest. I could have not spread the word about CAF, QMDC, and xx1090, but I felt I had to. Something deep down inside of me has been driving me ever since I had surgery back in April to remove an adenoma hyper parathyroid.
It was at the beginning of the year that I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. It was a fluke that it was discovered. I was taking a personal health assessment (PHA) that my company, Healthyroads, had on it's website and one of the questions asked what your cholesterol was. I realized I had not had my cholesterol checked in 5 years, probably more. I made a visit to the doctor in January, and the results came back that my cholesterol was excellent and I was in perfect health, but my calcium levels were high and that I need to come back in for more tests.
Those tests all came back positive for hyperparathyroidism. Luckily, these things are rarely, if at all, cancerous. However, they are still a cause for concern because they eventually can lead to osteoporosis. The symptoms are "bones, moans, pains, and groans." After being diagnosed, I realized that I have probably had this condition for at least 5 year or more, the same amount of time that I have been in constant pain. I had always attributed my pain to riding. So it suddenly occurred to me that I could actually feel better as a result of having the adenoma removed. It would be nice to wake up in the morning and not already be in pain, or go to sleep without pain, or just sitting at my desk without pain.
About a month and a half after the surgery, I started feeling a lot better. I wasn't always in pain anymore. I had started riding my bike again and was soon riding several hours at a time and to and from work a few days a week. However, I was looking for a challenge. Something to push me to train harder, ride a little further, push myself up the hill a little faster. It was about this time that I learned about the Scott&BR Radio Contest. I decided to enter the contest on the last day and figured I probably wouldn't even get asked to be part of the 30 initial radio contestants. But I received an e-mail stating that I was one of the 30 that would compete for a coveted spot on the QMDC ride in October.
At the kick-off event the following Wednesday evening at the TREK store in Kearny Mesa, I was stunned at how much energy was in the room and how passionate the people were about this great cause. I made my mind up right then and there that I needed to do more than simply compete in a radio contest. I had to make a difference, and by fundraising and raising awareness of who CAF was and why their mission was so important to challenged athletes, I felt that it was just the right thing to do. I was feeling better than I had ever felt in over 5 years, so now it was my turn to give back. And what better way to do it than by supporting CAF in it's mission.
Over these past few months, I have met some great people, have learned a little more about myself, and know I have grown as a human being. It is not just about me anymore. I am part of a greater cause and look forward to continuing to spread the word about CAF and to hopefully fundraise the full $10,000 by October 5 so I can participate in this great ride down the California Coast come mid-October.
If you would like to help CAF and its mission, please click on the link below that will take you to a Blog page about a Silent Auction I am putting together with another QMDC/XX1090 Radio Contestant (Mike Henderson). You may purchase tickets online or if you can't attend, hopefully you can donate to this great cause. All proceeds from the event will go to CAF.
ILTs Baby and They Burn
Too Tan To Be My Legs It's happening. Each week and almost each day I feel
the leg getting stronger. Less and less pain, little to no meds, sleeping ...
13 years ago