After fighting traffic for an hour and finally finding the parking area where we had to meet, we finally got out for a little spin around the Carmel Valley Loop. It was a fantastic evening for a ride. A nice cool breeze was blowing at our backs and the traffic was relatively light considering the time of day it was.
Some of us caught a lucky break and just made the first light on San Diguito Road. Four of us stayed out front taking turns pulling through the course. I met Tim, Mike, and Deanna. After the group all caught up to each other, it was off again for another hard pull. Deanna decided that my see-through bike shorts were'nt all that motivating and decided to take the lead position. After a good pull, we all took our turn up front. Towards the end of the ride, with one hill left, I decided to drop the hammer and blitz up the hill. Unfortunately, my hammer was more like a gentle tap and my blitz turned into a blutz. Thank goodness for the red light at the top of the hill. Little did anyone know that it was not the real reason I was slowing down. :)
A special thanks to ride leaders Tim (who pointed the way) and Kevin (who made sure everyone got back in one piece).
More to follow as the QMDC continues.
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ILTs Baby and They Burn
Too Tan To Be My Legs It's happening. Each week and almost each day I feel
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