We had our first ride today that started from the Flower Hill Promonade in Del Mar. We rode up to the Oceanside Pier and back totalling about 40 miles. The pace was pretty tame, making sure that everyone got comfortable with riding with each other in a group. Everyone is pretty cool and willing to give advice, tips, and especially ecouragement. There was a wide range of skill level and everyone was split into 4 seperate groups. The group of contestants I was with went in between the 3rd and 4th groups, but after the half-way point we split up a little and finally made it back to the Promonade.
Scott Kaplan of XX 1090 Sports Radio was there and led the group of contestants out on our first ride. I had the opportunity to ride with him a little as well as a lot of other riders both within and outside of the contestant group. Everyone seems pretty excited about the training schedule and we all look forward to this week's spin class, Thursday evening ride, and finally the next Sunday ride.
There were a lot of photos taken during this first ride, so once they are available I will post some on this blog.
A big thank you needs to go out to QMDC for putting this together and to Kristine Entwistle for her coordination of this event and her tireless committment (which has been compared to putting on 7 weddings with 100 different brides).
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ILTs Baby and They Burn
Too Tan To Be My Legs It's happening. Each week and almost each day I feel
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13 years ago