Pat started us out by having us give a brief introduction of who we were and what type of bikes we rode. I think I gave my entire life story (sorry everyone - I tend to rattle on sometimes). After the last person finished, Pat then gave us proper instruction on how our core (center muscles in the body) are very important and how we can increase our strength, flexibility, and even stamina by exercising our core. Pat led us over to the grass were we proceeded to do jumping jacks, dirty dogs, and pushups. We then started a little running - forward, backward, and side-by-side.
We had to do exactly what Pat did, especially to count out load when Pat counted or we had to do extra exercises. Once we got a little tired, Pat had us count in Spanish. Unfortunately one of us couldn't count in Spanish (don't feel bad Kristine, I forgot what came after quatro) so the whole group had to do pushups (first up, then your down, not half-way up, not all the way up, but down, then up). Those who were there that night will know what I am talking about. I think this is when my core started to break.
Pat then took us on a jog around various parts of the bay. At each stop, we had to do more exercises including speed-agility-quickness (touching 10 trees in 30 seconds - we learned that small clusters of two or three trees counted as only one tree! Who knew?), blob-tag (a lot of fun), and partner recline pulls. Then, we ran a little bit more.
Now here is where it got interesting. When we got to the large pavilion which had several picnic benches in it, Pat showed us how to do a partner calf exercise. This exercise consisted of one person leaning on the table with their back parallel to the ground, and the partner jumping on their back. Then the person leaning on the table raised up on their toes for 20 reps. You can imaging the look on the other people using the pavilion (not in our group), seeing a bunch of people giving piggy back rides. I think they must have enjoyed the show because they were sad when we took off and started running again.
The rest of the training consisted of more speed-agility-quickness, squats, and running. At the end of the session, Pat had us get in a circle and get into a front plank position in which you are horizontal to the ground resting on your forearms and toes. Nothing else could touch the ground. He then had us tell a story around the circle. When the last person finished, we could rest. It was the longest story I ever heard. Not because there was a lot of dialogue, but because there was a lot of pain in my body from being in a plank position. I think this is when I broke my core!
After all said, this was a great training session and I really appreciated Pat's instruction, expertise, and advice. If you missed out on this Wild Card Workout, don't fear, I see that there is another one on the books for July 17. I am not sure if it will be the same workout, but all I do know is that I will be there, hopefully, with a mended core!
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