Scott Kaplan from XX 1090 Sports Radio instructed everyone to pair up with the group they felt would best suit them. I immediately thought of sticking with group 3, but some of the people that I rode with on the Thursday evening ride were in that group and thought it best that I move into group 2. I think it was a better fit for me. Teamleader (Bryon) led us out and managed to keep us together in one group even with several red lights splitting the pack. After a while, we got a steady cadence going and Bryon floated to the back to check on everyone.
There is one thing that I would like to say at this point. The Teamleaders are awesome. They can really ride and are quick to keep everyone safe and out of harms way. The QMDC is very organized with safety as the number one goal. Thanks QMDC.
Now, back to the ride. Since group 2 was pretty big, I was able to meet a lot of QMDC riders (Andrew, Jeff, Dean, Deanna, Mike, Greg, Steve, and Bryon) as well as some other radio contestants (Mike, Sam, Kevin, and Matt) just to name a few. I found out that Sam had raced the 12 hours of Temecula the day before, rode 55 miles, and was still up front kicking @%*. If that guy's legs are fresh during a ride, you'd better strap a boulder to his back, otherwise he is going to smoke everyone on the next ride if he is in group 2. We also had Christian on our ride who was a contestant last year and will be out for a few training rides with us. He is a very strong rider and was good to talk to. Thanks for the tips and advice Christian.
By the time we reached the last ascent, our group caught up to group 1b. I had just enough time to talk a little with Jeffrey Essakow before the grueling climb began. Since I didn't know what to expect, or how long the ride was, I held back a little. I am not sure I could have given much more though because by the time I got to the top, I was pretty tired. Everyone did their own pace up the ascent and we all felt like we conquered our biggest challenge yet.
For this week's ride we had two sag wagons. One was the QMDC car and the other was Wheels on Wheels (WoW). I was able to meet the owner of WoW, Dan. We talked a little and he told me how he got started with his bike transportation business. Here is a link to his site. http://www.wheelsonwheels.com/ Besides trasporting bikes, he also provides sag support, especially helping tired riders try to figure out out to work the water jug when filling their bottles. Thanks Dan. If it wasn't for you, I probably would have shrivilled up out there from thirst.
After refueling with food at the half way point (and making sure we left plenty for groups 3 and 4), we descended the parkway. Now, I am the first to admit that I like to go fast downhill, as long as it is safe. The parkway is straight as an arrow, so as long as you keep a straight line, and make sure you don't do anything unexpectedly, you should be ok. After the descent we set a pretty quick pace. After a few miles, Teamleader Bryon took the lead and was soon way out front pulling us along. I swear that I didn't remember it taking that long to get out to the half way point. It sure did seem like forever getting back though. Maybe it was the several hills we had to climb, like Black Mountain Road. That hill was not fun towards the end of a ride.
Once we got back to San Deguito Road, we started a pretty brisk pace line and took turns pulling. This is one aspect of riding that I think we all need to work on a little more. Some of us were peeling off left, some right, and some were accelerating ahead. I am embarassed to admit that I did a little of all three. I was able to talk to Bryon after the ride and he gave some tips on good paceline tactics that I am definately going to apply to next weeks ride.
After finally getting back to Fletcher Cove, the coolers were busted out and everyone enjoyed water, coke, pretzels, and jelly beans. The QMDC sure does think of everything. We shared our stories of the ride and definately felt a little better after this challenge.
Next Sunday's ride will be the Carmel Valley RSF Loop. I am not sure what RSF stands for (Really Short and Fast?, Radically Scary but Fun?). Oh, Rancho Santa Fe - got it now. I will try to bring a camera on the next ride and take some photos of the training and put them up on this BLOG. So stay tuned....
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